Comments & feedback
Tell us what you loved, what you didn't, what you'd like more of and how our yoga made you feel.
Feedback from our clients
Teen Yoga
The class is very easygoing and relaxing. However, it does push my abilities which makes me feel like I have accomplished it. I love this class because it is for all abilities and there are always new things to learn.
Tina C
Yin Yoga Immersion
Thank you both for yesterday's immersion.
Went home, slept most of the afternoon, took old dogs on gentle walk, slept through the night until 7.30am! Did no work. Not stressed that I did no work. Feel extremely chilled and worked out.
Teen Yoga
I enjoy the amount of physical poses / moves that we do rather than it being too easy and relaxed as I like to challenge myself and come out feeling accomplished.
I also really enjoy how we do some positions on the floor as well as standing so there is a variety. I also like when you introduce a new pose/position that we haven't done before.
Pip E
Hot Yoga
I was smiling today at yoga cos I had an adrenaline rush and combined with the music and being sweaty, I felt like I'd just come out of a rave. Really enjoying it!
Teen Yoga
I would definitely say I find it very easy-going because there's not pressure to be able to do the moves and I don't mind if I get it wrong because we're all still learning.
Yin Yoga Immersion
After that, my hips and knees are tingling in a quite beautiful way!
Teen Yoga
I love the class as it pushes me and I always feel like I can ask for help when I need it. After every class I feel so relaxed and every week I feel like I am progressing x